Russia reveals both its strength and weakness in the invasion of Ukraine
The crisis in Ukraine has refocused attention on the character of Russian power. Is it a threat to peace or is it in retreat? Or is it a threat because it is in retreat? The optimistic case first.
Russia, perhaps more than any other single power, had a tough time at ''the end of history''. The collapse of its communist project - under the weight of its own contradictions - left it rudderless. A gangster capitalism filled the vacuum. Fuelled by enormous reserves of gas, Russia went from being dependent on foreigners for its basic food needs to being the arbiter of European warmth in winter. Europe depends on Russia for 40 per cent of its imported fuel.
This economic leverage gave it a vested interest in the maintenance of peace and order. Such stability would enable Russia to continue to grow rich by meeting Europe's growing fuel needs. Why would Moscow want to ruin a market that has made it very wealthy very quickly?
This propensity towards peace is affirmed by a significant and growing demographic weakness, portending collapse, according to some. More Russian pregnancies end in abortion than live birth. There are 140 million Russians today; in 2050, there will be only 116 million. Today, 13 per cent of the population is aged over 65 years; in 2050, 24 per cent will be.
This dwindling tax base, in a country that already finds it difficult to collect taxes efficiently, presages a politico-demographic crisis. It undercuts hopes and fears of a resurgent Russian militarism - which, to obtain, needs not just fuel receipts but taxpayers.
Perversely, the aged represent less of a drain on Russian finances given the low life expectancy that stalks Russians - at 66.03 years this is lower than India's (at 66.09). AIDS, moreover, kills 40,000 Russians a year (compared with 15,000 Americans).
In addition to the demographics that depress Russian nationalists there are the grim economic factors weakening the nation. Russia makes very little that the rest of us want. With the exception of natural gas, weapons, vodka and caviar, the world's markets ignore Russia.
Fracking will increase Russian weakness. Russia's per capita GDP is less than $18,000 per annum; America's is $49,000; Australia's (another resource economy) is $41,000.
While President Vladimir Putin has overseen an increase in military spending (from 4.3 per cent of GDP in 2010 to 4.5 per cent in 2012), his long-term ambition to recreate Russian martial glory will be compromised by a worsening economic base. His boundless machismo, his remaking as a hero of the Olympic movement, and, now, as the principled defender against Ukrainian ''fascism'' disguise the parlous state of the nation he leads.
Now for the pessimistic case.
Remember Serbia? Throughout the 1990s, Belgrade waged a war of genocide against the Muslims and Croats of the former Yugoslavia. Serbia's chief protector? Moscow. Russia has a remarkable capacity to engage in the destruction of regions it sees as within its sphere of influence.
From the terror of the Stalinist purges and the barbarity of the Russian invasion of Germany in 1944-45, through the suppression of the Hungarian uprising in 1956 and the laying waste of Chechnya in the 2000s, to the propping up of the Syrian regime today, Russia has been far more effective at suppressing civil society than facilitating it.
President Barack Obama, the community-organiser-in-chief, will be keen to play down this tradition - he deferred after all to Moscow over Bashar al-Assad's weapons of mass destruction recently - but Westward-looking, pro-European Union Ukrainians will be wary of it.
Most states that lose wars are obliged to atone for them. German society was remade - not least by Germans themselves - in the wake of World War II. But Russia? There has been no redemption for the millions killed in the pursuit of communism.
Imagine Germany's Angela Merkel declaring the end of Nazism as ''the greatest geo-strategic catastrophe of the 20th century''. And yet this was Putin's interpretation of the collapse of the USSR. Russian nationalism has flourished even as its economic and ideological foundations have withered.
It is nationalism that remains the most potent casus belli. It defies economic logic and laughs in the face of international law. Rocky islands in the South Atlantic were sufficient to bring Argentina and Britain to blows in 1982. Arguments, framed by competing nationalisms, over economically insignificant islands in the East China Sea retain the potential to ignite war between Beijing and Tokyo.
How much greater then the potential for conflict over Ukraine, part of ''Mother Russia''?
Putin was raised by the men and women who repelled German invasion in 1941-45 - one of history's greatest and costliest feats of resistance. In 2014, he again looks west and sees an ideological foe, with Germany at its centre, urging the secession of lands central to Russian identity.
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand, the French foreign minister in the early 19th century, warned us that ''Russia is never as strong nor as weak as it appears''.
Its invasion of Ukraine has displayed both its strength and its weakness. A strong state would not have felt obliged to act, but a weak one with a misplaced nostalgia and an ignorance of crimes committed in its name just has.
Associate Professor Timothy Lynch teaches great power rivalry at the University of Melbourne.
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